"Anstagram" break the barrier of 300 million user accounts and documents Celebrity


"Anstagram" break the barrier of 300 million user accounts and documents Celebrity

Share photos famous "Anstagram" Instagram owned by Facebook, Inc. Service announced the arrival of the number of users to 300 million users, who are with the participation of more than 70 million photos and videos every day.

The company explained through the official blog that such a large number of users are likely to be some fictitious accounts, and that it is working hard to reduce the disturbing accounts, or what is known as "spam" spam, and will begin deleting disturbing accounts permanently.

And that the company delete delusional and disturbing accounts means that some users may notice a decrease in the number of Mtabaém in service, but the company said it will send an alert to users who happens to have a big change in followers numbers, so untouched notice through the application demonstrates more information.

The company also began to step preceded by a famous social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, where he decided to put closer to official accounts for celebrities, athletes and brand owners sign, and who have a large number of Almtaaan.

The company said that the documented accounts currently feature is limited to the famous accounts, which are sure not to Anthalha any personal or trademark, and that the documentation signs begin to emerge in the next few days, will not be possible to apply for checking account and documented by users offline.